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U.S. Currency Redesigned New looks


It seems the only clear way to revive this global recession is to rebrand and redesign, The Dollar Re-Design Project hopes to bring about change for everyone. Richard Smith states that he ‘wants to rebrand the US Dollar, rebuild financial confidence and revive our failing economy.’

The size of the Notes?
The width is  same as the existing dollars.There was Change in size of the note so that the one dollar is shorter and the 100 dollar is the longest. When stacked on top of each other it is easy to see how much money you have. It also makes it easier for the visually impaired to distinguish between notes.


Why a vertical format?

When we researched how notes are used we realized people tend to handle and deal with money vertically rather than horizontally. You tend to hold a wallet or purse vertically when searching for notes. The majority of people hand over notes vertically when making purchases. All machines accept notes vertically. Therefore a vertical note makes more sense.

Why different colors?
It’s one of the strongest ways graphically to distinguish one note from another.

Why these designs?
There a concept behind the images on the notes ,the image directly relates to the value of each note. We also wanted the notes to be educational, not only for those living in America but visitors as well. Each note uses a black and white image depicting a particular aspect of American history and culture. They are then overprinted with informational graphics or a pattern relating to that particular image.


Dowling Duncan redesign the US bank notes


Duncan's models of New American Currency

$1 – The first African American president

$5 – The five biggest native American tribes

$10 – The bill of rights, the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution

$20 – 20th Century America

$50 – The 50 States of America

$100 – The first 100 days of President Franklin Roosevelt. During this time he led the congress to pass more important legislations than most presidents pass in their entire term.



$ 5- American National Flag


$ 1 – Representing Federal Services of US


$100 – The first 100 days of President Franklin Roosevelt. During this time he led the congress to pass more important legislations than most presidents pass in their entire term. This helped fight the economic crises at the time of the great depression. Ever since, every new president has been judged on how well they have done during the first 100 days of their term.


$20 – 20th Century America


$50 – The  Native American tribes


$1 – The first African American president


A Simple $1


$2 in tribute to Amelia Earhart


$5 Father of Nation, Abraham Lincoln


1 $ the First American President


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